
Redesigned C&S Business Services Website Launches


C&S Business Services asked Delta Systems to bring their website design to life. C&S did all the graphics and then handed them off to Delta Systems so as to get the site cut up and put online. Delta was able to optimize the site for Google, made the site accessibility compliant (Section 508 and WAI), and is CSS and XHTML 1.0 Strict standard compliant. Why does that matter? puts it this way, “Using standards-based industry best-practices on your site gives it maximum flexibility and maximum market penetration; your site will render correctly across browsers and platforms, as well as any additional media you want.” Read more about standards here.


Is your company frustrated by the need to update even small things on websites, but don’t know how to update it or don’t have the time to do the update? Give Delta Systems a call. For small stuff, Delta charges by the minute. We update dozens of websites daily and quickly.

Delta Systems builds database systems, online information management systems, networks, websites, and a whole lot more.

It costs nothing to find out how Delta Systems can help your organization. Call Delta Systems today at 573-442-9855 to schedule a free initial meeting.