
Delta Adds Centerfold to Columbia Business Times Online


As the print edition of Columbia Business Times (CBT) evolves, Delta ensures that the digital version keeps pace. In many CBT issues, a spread at the center of the issue provides a wide space for such things as photos, time-lines, ariel views, maps and a more dynamic layout.

In recent issues, the center spread has included an overview of Columbia’s Natural Resources Inventory with side-by-side heatmaps showing geographical features; it has been used to display a city-wide map of Columbia’s expansion, a time line and map of the future developments, and a photo time line of the City Hall renovation. It provides a more flexible and visually rich media for a variety of subject matter.

When the center spread article is converted to a digital text version to fit the website layout, the special layout is lost.

In order to preserve the layout of the center spread while still offering the consistency and readability of the text version, Delta updated the CBT issue to include a 2-page wide, seamless PDF of the spread featured prominently right along with the cover story and featured articles. Each issue homepage now showcases the center spread article and links to the PDF for the user; graphical concistency with the print edition, and readability of the digital edition are both available.