Topical Content Analysis

It's time learn from the competition -- and then beat the competition.

An Audit With Answers

Ever wonder how your website stacks up against the competition? Well, now you can have your answer. A topical content analysis is an in-depth audit of a single page or an entire website. In this process, the on-page content, along with the technical labeling, such as title tags and meta descriptions are examined — and scrutinized. 

This analysis looks to understand current industry trends surrounding specific keywords and phrases — and what type of web content is ranking well for those key terms. These data points are then compared against your website or webpage to identify areas of overlap and areas of potential improvement. A topical content analysis serves as a measuring stick toward understanding how well your content serves user intent and the search engine algorithm.

Analyze and Repeat

Our SEO and content experts are able to compile these data sets, and then provide and develop expert recommendations that will help your website or webpage better its online function. The changes corrected by our team can turn a low traffic page, into a strong lead generation source — it just needs the right content. 

A yearly topical content analysis ensures that your website is fresh, updated, and consumer-focused. When content goes out-of-style with search engines and their users, it quickly gets relegated further down the results page — a death wish for any content-conscious business.