
How to Use ChatGPT-4 [The Good & Bad]


For anyone in the tech or marketing world, ChatGPT has been the talk of the town. Its iterations have transformed the everyday user’s experience of AI conversational models. With the recent release of ChatGPT-4, many are curious about the improvements. How comparable is ChatGPT-4 vs. ChatGPT-3.5? Is it really that much better? To answer these questions about how to use ChatGPT-4 and what upgrades it has to offer, I’m going to take you on a deep dive, comparing my experiences with both versions and highlighting key advancements of this essential tool.

What is ChatGPT-4?

ChatGPT-4, developed by OpenAI, is a state-of-the-art large language model designed to engage in coherent and contextually relevant conversations with users. GPT stands for generative pre-trained transformer. It is not merely a chatbot but a sophisticated tool that understands and generates human-like text based on the input it receives, enabling it to assist in a myriad of tasks, from drafting emails to crafting creative content. This artificial intelligence model is taking the world by storm with its ability to produce factual responses, write code, and use natural language.

How to Use ChatGPT-4

Using ChatGPT-4 is essentially the same as using ChatGPT-3.5 or other previous versions, but in case you’re unfamiliar, here are some simple instructions. For further reading about using language models, check out our article, “10 Tips and Tricks for Using ChatGPT [Written With ChatGPT]”.

Accessing the Platform

  • Visit the official OpenAI website or platform where ChatGPT-4 is hosted.
  • You may need to create an account or log in to access certain features or usage limits.

Initiating a Conversation

  • Once on the platform, you’ll find a dialogue box or interface where you can start typing your inputs.
  • Simply enter your question, statement, or any text and press enter or click on the designated button to generate a response.

Interacting with the Model

  • Engage in a conversation by continuing to input text based on the responses provided by ChatGPT-4.
  • Ensure that your instructions or queries are clear to get the most relevant and accurate responses.

Advanced Usage and Tips

For more tips on how to use ChatGPT effectively, read our article “How to Ask ChatGPT a Question {The Right Way}”.

Providing Clear Instructions:

  • Be explicit and detailed in your instructions to guide the model towards generating the desired output.
  • Specify the tone, style, or any particular format you want the model to adhere to.

Maintaining Context:

  • While ChatGPT-4 is adept at maintaining context, ensuring that your inputs are coherent and logically connected enhances the quality of the conversation.
  • Refer back to previous information or responses when necessary to maintain a coherent dialogue.

Utilizing Different Modes:

  • Explore different conversational modes, such as instructive, collaborative, or creative, to achieve varied results.
  • Adjust your input style to align with the desired mode of interaction.

Leveraging ChatGPT-4 for Various Applications

ChatGPT can be used in many different capacities including for content creation, programming help, and research. Here are a couple of tips for each application. 

Content Creation

  • Use ChatGPT-4 to brainstorm ideas, draft content, or even edit text.
  • Provide specific prompts and guidelines to generate creative writing, such as stories, poems, or marketing copy.

Programming Help

  • Seek assistance with coding queries, debugging, or understanding programming concepts.
  • Ensure to provide code snippets or error messages to get relevant help.

Learning and Research

  • Engage with ChatGPT-4 to explore topics, understand concepts, or get explanations on various subjects.
  • Use it as a tool to facilitate learning and research by asking questions or seeking clarifications.

Multilingual Conversations

  • Interact in multiple languages and explore the capability of ChatGPT-4 to understand and generate responses in various languages.
  • Ensure to specify the language or use clear language indicators to guide the model.

The Evolution from ChatGPT-3.5 to ChatGPT-4

ChatGPT-4’s development is similar to the meticulous craftsmanship of a fine watch; it’s about refining the details. The first area where this stands out is in the training data and model size. ChatGPT-4 is trained on a substantially larger set of data, which serves as the bedrock of its capabilities. This might appear technical, but in layman’s terms, imagine feeding your brain with more books, experiences, and knowledge. You’d naturally expect it to think, understand, and respond better. That’s precisely the advantage ChatGPT-4 has over its 3.5 predecessor.

Another enhancement lies in ChatGPT-4’s ability to provide human-like responses. If training data is about broad knowledge, fine-tuning is about mastering the art of conversation. ChatGPT-4 has undergone a rigorous training regimen using diverse prompts, ensuring it’s adept at tailoring its responses to a broader range of user queries than ChatGPT-3.5.

Moreover, while less visible to the end-user, the backend systems supporting ChatGPT-4 have undergone significant upgrades. These enhancements mean faster response times and a smoother user experience, which, when experienced firsthand, feels like a seamless dialogue with a knowledgeable companion.

OpenAI claims “GPT-4 is 82% less likely to respond to requests for disallowed content and 40% more likely to produce factual responses than GPT-3.5 on our internal evaluations.” 

Other ChatGPT-4 Advancements Worth Noting

  • Enhanced Text Understanding:
    • Improved ability to comprehend context and provide relevant responses.
    • This enhancement enables a better understanding of nuanced and complex instructions.
  • Refined Conversational Flow:
    • More coherent and contextually relevant dialogues.
    • Smoother transitions between topics within a conversation.
  • Expanded Knowledge Base:
    • Updated information and knowledge up to its last training data in September 2022.
    • Ability to reference more recent events and developments.
  • Improved User Interaction:
    • Enhanced user experience with more intuitive and human-like interactions.
    • Reduced frequency of generating irrelevant or nonsensical responses.
  • Language Proficiency:
    • Improved proficiency in understanding and generating text in multiple languages.
    • Enhanced capability to engage in conversations involving multiple languages.

These advancements collectively contribute to making ChatGPT-4 a powerful and versatile conversational tool, capable of assisting users with a plethora of tasks across many applications. 

Diving Into the User Experience

Conversations with ChatGPT-4 often feel sharper, more nuanced, and incredibly insightful. This is most evident when you throw challenging or intricate questions at it. The newer version seems to grasp the essence of inquiries better, weaving responses that feel closer to human thought.

For trivia lovers and knowledge seekers, ChatGPT-4 is a veritable goldmine. It has a profound depth and breadth of information on a myriad of topics. Whether you’re exploring the mysteries of the universe or the history of Renaissance art, it can delve deep, offering insights that are both intriguing and enlightening.

Furthermore, one of the challenges with AI models, historically, has been unintentional biases. OpenAI has been transparent about its efforts to tackle this issue. With ChatGPT-4, strides have been made in reducing these biases, making it a more neutral and reliable conversationalist.

Although ChatGPT-4 is supposed to give quicker responses than ChatGPT-3.5, I’ve found that is not always true. When I first got access to ChatGPT-4, I was excited to see how quickly it could spit out its responses.

When I tested it by asking it to write a blog post for me after I enabled the Browse with Bing feature, it took quite a bit longer to write a response than with the previous version. While I know that eventually, the technology will advance to the point where browsing the web will only increase response times, it is not there yet. 

Another downfall of ChatGPT-4 that I’ve found is that it caps your messages at 50 every 3 hours. This is reminiscent of the earlier days of ChatGPT when limits were very common, however, with a paid version, I would expect unlimited messages to be allowed.

The Nostalgia for ChatGPT-3.5

Change, while exciting, also brings along a tinge of nostalgia. Users who have spent considerable time with ChatGPT-3.5 might feel an initial dissonance with the new version. The familiarity of the older version, its particular way of structuring responses, and even its quirks, can evoke a sense of attachment.

Moreover, simplicity has its own charm. ChatGPT-3.5, in its essence, was a more straightforward model. While ChatGPT-4’s capabilities are expansive, they come with a slightly heightened learning curve, especially for those who want to maximize its potential.

Optimizing Your Interactions with ChatGPT-4

Drawing from personal experience, getting the best out of ChatGPT-4 is an art. The more detailed and clear you can be in framing your questions, the higher the likelihood of receiving a satisfactory answer. However, don’t be disheartened by less-than-perfect responses. It’s a machine, after all. Rephrasing your question or approaching it from a different angle often does the trick.

Open-ended questions, while riskier in terms of unpredictability, can also yield fascinating results. It’s like playing a game; sometimes you hit the jackpot, other times you learn and adjust your strategy.

The Rise of Plugins

In a press release from OpenAI on March 23, 2023, the company stated, “In line with our iterative deployment philosophy, we are gradually rolling out plugins in ChatGPT so we can study their real-world use, impact, and safety and alignment challenges—all of which we’ll have to get right in order to achieve our mission.”

Since March, these plugins have been rolling out as beta versions in ChatGPT-4. Some of the plug-ins that are now available include:

  • AISEO Article Writer
  • WebPilot
  • Expedia
  • Zapier
  • Kayak
  • Instacart
  • FiscalNote
  • Wolfram
  • Speak
  • Klarna Shopping

Plugins can be enabled in ChatGPT-4 and used to further improve this large language model’s responses.

Use the Default Setting

If you are looking for speedy responses, be sure to use the default settings. I have found this to be the fastest method of reaping responses from ChatGPT-4. When using Browse with Bing or a plugin, it seems to always take much longer to provide a response to my query or command. I recommend using the default setting for tasks that rely less on advanced data or research to keep the process moving efficiently.

Deciding Between the Free and Paid Versions

Every good thing comes with a price tag, they say. With ChatGPT-4, while a robust free version exists, there’s a tantalizing paid version too. For those on the fence, here’s some food for thought.

The decision to upgrade to ChatGPT Plus largely hinges on your usage patterns and requirements. If you’re a professional relying on ChatGPT for content generation, research, coding help, or any intensive task, the paid version is probably worth it for you. 

For casual users or those with infrequent needs, the free version might suffice. However, for professionals or businesses that require consistent, fast, and enhanced access, the paid version is a great choice.

Final Thoughts

The transition from ChatGPT-3.5 to ChatGPT-4 is like witnessing a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis: familiar yet transformed. It’s not just about more data or better systems; it’s about experiencing the evolution of digital conversation. So whether you are well-versed in AI or a newcomer, there is vast potential waiting to be explored with ChatGPT-4. If you’re a professional who uses ChatGPT daily, consider trying the paid version to see if it is worth it for you!